Early Days & Photos
Join Us In Honoring The United States Marine Corps
The design of a Marine in "Dress Blues" was chosen to honor and represent all Marines be it Past, Present, or Future. He stands erect, portraying a unique aspect of military courtesy, the hand salute. This tradition has always been used to indicate a military respect. With this Monument, it is our desire to show respect to our fellow Marines, our city, and our nation.
When the U.S. Marine Corps was established as such in July 1798, its first uniforms were made from clothing contracted for Major General (Mad Anthony) Wayne's Army Legion, but never issued. The coat was of dark blue broadcloth faced red. Brass Naval buttons were substituted for Army buttons and the red waist coats replaced white-and the Marines had their uniforms. And that is why Marines today wear Dress Blue Uniforms.
Today, the Dress Blue Uniform and Insignia are perhaps the most recognized in the world as representative of Marines. The uniform is a symbol of tradition, a statement, as well as a visual reference to the long and illustrious history the Marines have had in the founding and defense of this great nation. Be it the scarlet piping on their trousers, said to honor the blood shed by Marines, or the high collar of the Dress Blue Uniform that is similar to the leather stock worn around the necks of their American Revolution era predecessors, the Dress Blue Uniform stands proudly as a symbol of all Leathernecks. Let us take this vision and turn it into reality. Become a part of today's history by honoring the Marines.
To say Thank You can be short lived, but to physically show our appreciation, can last a lifetime.
A Few Words from San Clemente Residents
This Marine Corps Monument will recognize and connect San Clemente with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and honor all Marines who have served there and will serve in the future. As a San Clemente resident, I urge all San Clemente residents to join me in supporting this worthy project with a contribution that will make this monument a reality.
As a mother of a Marine, I am proud to support this tribute to the long relationship between the United States Marine Corps and the citizens of San Clemente. This statue will represent those who have served, are serving and will serve, in the defense of our country.
This monument will combine Marine Corps Pride and San Clemente spirit!
Freedom is a responsibility, not a gift. We should honor those who show courage in its defense. This statue is a fitting tribute.
The Marines have been a part of our community for decades and have had a tremendous and beneficial economic impact. It is time to honor them for their contributions to San Clemente and our nation.
We have enjoyed a relationship with Camp Pendleton for decades. Now it is our duty and responsibility to publicly and permanently honor the generations of U.S. Marines who have honored us.
Please enjoy the images of the Dedication Ceremony that took place on November 12, 2005. It was quite a spectacle with a major turn out.