If you would like to donate using a check, you may mail it to this address:
The Heritage of San Clemente Foundation
P.O. Box 456
San Clemente, Ca 92674
If you would like to make a donation using a credit card (or Paypal balance) you can click on one of the buttons below.

Leatherneck $25 |
Freedom Award $50 |
Loyalty Award $75 |
Navy & Marine Corps Achievement $100 |
Semper Fi $250 |
Bronze Star $500 |
Legion of Merit $1,000 |
Navy Cross $2,500 |
Silver Star $5,000 |
Medal of Honor $10,000 |
Other Amount |
Although the Monument has been dedicated and is now standing proudly in Park Semper Fi, we need your support to fund Marine/Sailor family programs, and to maintain the Park and the Monument to preserve and insure its integrity.
This Marine Corps Monument recognizes and connects San Clemente with Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and honor all Marines who have served there and will serve in the future. As a San Clemente resident, I urge everyone to join me in supporting this worthy project with a contribution for Marine/Sailor family programs and for the maintenance of the Monument and Park Semper Fi.
If you would like to make your donation "In Honor of," "In Memory of," or "In Support of" an individual or group,
please specify that by clicking on the words:
Add special instructions to the seller
Your contribution is TAX DEDUCTABLE; Federal Non-Profit #33-0776720
- $1,000 Small-sized plaque on donor wall.
- $2,500 Medium-sized plaque on donor wall.
- $5,000 Large plaque on donor wall.
Yes, I (we) wish to Support a Marine Corps Monument in San Clemente to Honor those Men and Women, Our Neighbors to the South, who have Fought for Our Country's Liberties.